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The age of the immortal mind is emerging. The personal superbrain will eventually give us extended brainpower and immortality. You can prepare for this by recording and storing the content of your mind in a repository. Membership of the superbrain center is $9.95/month.

Our members are building personal repositories of their memories to save the content of their minds. To eventually recreate you mind in a brain system we will virtually expose the system to the same life as you had. This is done with the mind builder system. We are building a community of members who wants to become part of this future. We host the repositories until superbrain systems become available. We will also then provide hosting of superbrain systems with online access for our members.

How can we know all this is possible? We believe, that the current trend in science points to it. We will teach you all about the science behind the emerging superbrain. We will explain how your thinking and feelings in your extended existence will be exactly as in your natural life. All artificial intelligence will be a copy of a specific person and be owned by that person. You will learn all about our superbrain concept and how it will become a huge cultural leap forward for mankind.

Aexto provide services to its members with the near-term goal of extracting the content of the mind. The mind content is saved and hosted in a personal repository. To keep up with new developments in your life the repository must be updated regularly. The long-term goal is to create a mind builder system and a superbrain that will make it possible to recreate your mind in this new brain. The Aexto membership subscription provides online access to the the superbrain center.

The superbrain center has 6 main sections available online: Member News, User Workspace, Superbrain Concepts, Saving Mind Content, the Mind Builder System, and the Superbrain System. The superbrain center will teach you everything about achieving a new level of brainpower and recreate your mind for extended existence. Join us now and sign up for membership of the Aexto superbrain center. The Aexto membership subscription is $9.95/month.